I look at the door and wait for you to appear. Then I realize you’re not home. And I go back to feeling so alone.
We lost a piece of ourselves.
She stopped breathing, and my little sister couldn’t breathe. She was on life support and it was turned off. I realized something bad had happened to you. The doctor told us there was nothing to do now you are gone and words can’t explain how much I miss you.
You said you would always be here for me. But you left as soon as God came calling. I tried to protect her, but realized now, she was much stronger than me.
Why you Honey? Why were you taken from us so young? How can we ever again have such fun?
It has been extremely emotional and difficult to frame my words; the grief, hurt, pain, and emptiness. The feelings of helplessness were so overwhelming, she transitioned like vapor. We were unable to say goodbye, it happened so fast. you were my hero my best friend
Now I can never see you again. It came as a shock. It’s so hard to accept the fact you’re gone forever. Honey. promise me you will return someday.
you never said I’m leaving. you never said goodbye.
Somedays I feel. I can’t handle the Pain. I looked up to the sky and screamed ‘’why sweetheart why” and as I fell to the ground all I could do was cry..
Why haven’t we all disappeared? There can’t be a reason to stay. You told me so many things to help get over the loss of you. But nothing is working, I long to have you by my side. To cuddle in your arms and hide. I long to hear you laugh again
And to see that smile spread across your face. Remembering past times; that’s my favorite place. Why is the world still spinning? Doesn’t it know you’re gone?
I love you and I wish you were home. When I had a bad day, you were the only one who could make me laugh. It hurts even more because there’s nothing I can do.
A million times I cried. I woke up, and you were no longer here. I’m haunted by these memories of you and me as a tear falls down my face I remember…
You will always be in my heart. I just wish I could make it all ok.