Listening to the sound of my tears. Constantly battling my fears. Yet, I peacefully don’t move or stir.
Is the world spinning so fast or is it the time to forget the past
As I lie here, stuck in my own mind. Something I struggle to find. running alongside self-discovery. fearing the loss of self-recovery. Hear my cries at night. Help me face my fears tonight, a guiding light. Give me strength to do what’s right. I began to suffer through pain and ignore all the rain.
I been scarred and battered. I came up twice and cried. Go home and write
a page tonight. My heart is racing; it’s pounding and deafening. The taste of tension is sour and sickening. Hiding. Running. Wishing
Did you hear about the rose that grew. From a crack in the concrete?
I will rise
And stand tall.
I know there’s something great in me. Help me to escape from grey. no more rain no more tears. Let my world fly out of here.
To crawl in a space of silence.