Once upon a time, there was a little girl who was growing up fast. Although she had bid farewell to her childhood, the memories and lessons of those years remained etched in her heart. Gone were the days of chasing butterflies and playing with dolls.
Instead, she now immersed herself in the sinister arts, practicing ancient rituals and summoning otherworldly entities. Her once pure heart had been tainted, and she embraced the darkness with open arms. The world shuddered, knowing that it had witnessed the transformation of a once innocent child into a nightmare incarnate. As the years went by, her once cherubic face turned pale, her eyes lost their sparkle, and a sinister aura surrounded her. The enchanting laughter that once filled the air was now replaced by chilling whispers that sent shivers down the spines of those who heard them..
Oh no. It’s just a dream. Once upon a time, there was a little girl who had a recurring dream that stirred a deep desire within her. In her slumber, she envisioned herself growing up to become a woman of darkness, adorned with a cloak of shadows and immersed in the realm of horror. However, as the morning sun illuminated her room and she awakened from her dream, the yearning in her heart remained.